CUAASA's formal response to the Absa drone light show
CUAASA's official statement on the ABSA drone light show:
"The Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Association of South Africa, takes note of the current high profile case involving the ABSA Drone Light Show. CUAASA and all its members support responsible and legal drone operations in South Africa, however we will refrain from further comment on this matter until a thorough investigation has been conducted, in order to establish all the facts and that the correct process and regulations were applied. CUAASA will seek clarity and a formal response from the CAA and will make public all findings in his regard as the matter becomes clear.
At present CUAASA is engaged with the CAA regarding actions on a dossier of evidence presented to the CAA in May 2018 that includes illegal flying and the delays CAA have created to impede legal drone operations. Further information available from CUAASA as this is ongoing." - CUAASA ExCo