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CUAASA is a not for profit trade association and professional body which supports and acts on behalf of the commercial remotely piloted aircraft (RPAS) community, from start-up businesses to larger established operations. CUAASA members continue to break new ground in markets where RPAS (sometimes referred to as UAVs or drones) are delivering significant benefits.


On behalf of its members, CUAASA works closely with industry regulators, in particular SA CAA (South African Civil Aviation Authority), as well as SA Government departments to influence and ensure that the regulatory framework for the safe and professional operation of remotely piloted aircraft is fit for purpose and encourages best practice.


CUAASA also works with other key stakeholders in the development of national and international RPAS strategies and standards, to the benefit of its members.


CUAASA works in the public interest, and advocates professionalism within its membership through compliance with an agreed Code of Conduct and the holding of appropriate permissions. CUAASA takes progressive stances on national issues to embed the RPAS profession in all end-user industries, to enable it to continue to grow in reputation and influence.

A Distinct Identity




THE COMMERCIAL AVIATION ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA NPC (CAASA) aim is to serve, promote, watch over, advance and mutually protect the interest of the General and Commercial Aviation industry, and to act as a link between the industry and government, government agencies and other public bodies within the Southern African region.

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CAASA HOUSE, Gate 9, Lanseria International Airport, South Africa

+27 11 659 2345

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© Copyright 2019 by CUAASA - Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Association of Southern Africa

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