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Global survey on drone operations results are now available

Drone Operations (Current & Short Term)

This first worldwide survey on drone operations will contribute to helping regulators, standards developers and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) understand, through direct industry input, the key drone market drivers. See This survey gives a unique view of the drone industry today & the near term and supplies a clear order of importance for government and industry agencies to prioritise their rule-making and UAS traffic management (UTM) & U-Space development activities. It refines some of the high-level forecasts and analyses of the UAS sector, so we can now better understand the key commercial drivers and where regulators will need to prioritise their efforts to ensure the industry evolves in a safe and commercially viable direction. This survey was kicked off in 8 languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish) in July 2017. The objective was to propose, in 2 separate peer-reviewed documents, a segmentation of the non-military drone application sectors (commercial & non-commercial), as well as a categorization of drone flight mission purposes taking place in these sectors. Based on these two documents, the survey identifies & classifies: ​​​​​

  • Market sectors in which drone flight operations are currently taking place.

  • Flight mission purposes [Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) & Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)] that are currently taking place in compliance with applicable national rules or regulations.

  • Market sectors in which Very Low Level (VLL) flight operations [below 500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) & BVLOS] are anticipated to take place in the short term (1-2 years).

  • Flight mission purposes of the Very Low Level (VLL) flight operations (below 500 feet AGL & BVLOS) that are anticipated to take place in the short term (1-2 years).

The survey identifies 31 different market sectors and 25 mission purposes, with corresponding explanations. 1004 contributions by drone operators in 66 countries were received; in total 10134 completed market sector forms and 9481 completed mission purpose forms were submitted and analysed. Consequently, this survey creates an accurate vision of the current & near-future international drone market, based on actual & trackable inputs from the global drone operator community. It is the most realistic international survey on drone operations ever conducted. Abridged & unabridged editions of the results of survey are now available. Click HERE for a link to the online order form, previews of both editions, and the drone market sector segmentation & drone mission purpose classification documents, as well as a document explaining the interest of this survey.

Drone Operations (Current, Short & Medium Term) – New Survey

In order to refine the results and make them even more representative, a second survey has been launched, again in 8 languages. This survey now also takes into consideration the anticipated situation in the medium term (2-5 years). Drone operators in all countries are cordially invited to participate in this new edition of the survey.

The more operators that participate, the more significant the results will be, and the higher the benefit for the international drone community.

Click HERE for a link to this online survey.

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+27 11 659 2345

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